Saturday, November 27, 2010


HABARI GANI, Brothers and Sisters
Welcome, to OUR STORY, before HIS-STORY. The intent of this blog is multi-faceted. The primary purpose is to educate. To disclose facts and circumstances that perhaps were unknown to the reader. A secondary purpose that is just as important is to bring understanding to the reader, to undermine the false assertion that blacks are cursed, inferior, uncivilized, bestial, or any one of the many negative allusions often attributed black people.

Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson once said, “Never yet could I find that a black had uttered a thought above the level of plain narration…never saw an elementary tract of painting or sculpture”.
Disgraced President, Richard Nixon was quoted as saying, “The black race, is the only race that never founded a civilization”
Historian, Thomas Hoynbee wrote in his 1934, his-story book " It will be seen that when we classify mankind by color the only primary race that has not made a creative contribution to civilization is the black race".
These are but three examples of erroneous prevailing opinions pertaining to the historical contributions blacks have made to the world.
Before we start let me strongly suggest that the reader investigate the facts presented here for themselves. Don't accept the assertions or opinions of anyone without verifying them for yourself. Only when we educate ourselves will we truly understand the need to remove the shackles of ignorance that bind the knowledge of our true nature. We can break the bonds of servitude, of Eurocentric mental brainwashing, only by obtaining;


Let’s started at the…BEGINNING

  • * The oldest evidence of human existence has been found in AFRICA. Scientists have concluded that the earliest human beings lived about 2 million years ago in eastern Africa.
  • * Animal domestication began in Kenya 15,000 years ago.
  • *Agricultural sites in Egypt have been carbon dated up to 18,000 years ago
  • *Nubia is the homeland of Africa's earliest black culture with a history which can be traced from 3100 B.C. onward, through Nubian monuments and artifacts, as well as written records from Egypt and Rome.
  • * The oldest numeration system was found in Zaire with markings found on the Ishango stone, the worlds oldest mathematical artifact dated around 8,000 B.C.
  • * African medical textbooks have been found that are over 5,000 years old. Ancient Africans were well versed in medical diagnosis and treatments. The Egyptians understood the bodies dependence on the brain 4,000 years before the Greeks
  • * Imhotep, the Prince of Peace, Egyptian inventor of medicine and healing was a real historical multi-genius of ancestral Africa. Hippocrates the so called Greek "Father of Modern Medicine" was a devotee of Imhotep, the Prince of Peace.
  • * Many ancient Greeks travelled to Egypt to be educated, including Herodotus and  the Greek philosopher, Plato. One of the Greeks who later enunciated the cultural, religious, and philosophical teachings of the Egyptians was Pythagoras. He was one of the men who introduced the knowledge & wisdom of the Egyptians to the Europeans
  • * The ancient Black Egyptians invented paper which made the recording of science and history more practical for library storage. It is estimated that there were over 700,000 books in the libraries of Egypt before Homer "the father of western literature" was even born!
  •  * The massive library of Alexandria was first destroyed during Julius Caesar's Alexandrian campaign in 47 B.C., Caesar set fire to ships in the port. The fire spread to the library, destroying most of it's contents

Some of the information contained in this article was obtained from the book;
Black People and Their Place in World History, by Dr. Leroy William Vaughn MD

Were past presidents, historians, and scientists never taught the numerous contributions that black civilizations have gifted to the world, or is there an ongoing conspiracy to keep the truth hidden, especially from those who could benefit from such knowledge the most (us)?
Could it be that Black History is the world's best kept secret or have historians, scientists, and even past presidents denied it's existence to maintain black disenfranchisement?
Decide for yourself!